The Need
The Montfort Foundation was looking to tell, in a more compelling way, their story and the impact they were having in the community.
Simultaneously, they were also looking to develop and execute a campaign strategy designed to increase awareness levels and donations for their new location and accompanying capital campaign for the Orléans Health Hub.
The Foundation's Identity
Since the Foundation’s visual identity and narrative was hitherto directly tied to the hospital, we conducted an in-depth discovery phase, and developed a distinct design system that showcased how their work is directly impacting the efforts of the hospital to improve the health of the community.
Visual Identity
With a deep dive (and seemingly too many post-its) into the vision and purpose of the Foundation, “BonHomme” came to life; a symbol of care and support representing the role of the donor in the patient experience.
Previously the Foundations only online presence was on the Montfort Hospital’s website. It could be hard to find, navigate and difficult to truly understand the role of the Foundation. As part of this new identity we created a donor-friendly website which clearly communicates the impact of how donor contributions are being used to improve patient care and staff satisfaction.
The Campaign
We subsequently developed a donor-acquisition strategy which included campaign creative, paid digital campaigns, social media campaigns as well as video, display and television ads.
Video Campaign - TV & Digital
After helping build the Case for Support for the Orleans Health Hub Capital Campaign, we developed a creative campaign to highlight the various services and benefits of this new local, innovative health hub. At the heart of the concept was a butterfly which spoke both to transformation of health services delivery as well as a the campaign itself taking flight.
The Foundation has a much more user friendly way for donors to provide their information as well as donate. They are also able to gather new donor data in a much more centralized fashion.
To date, the campaign has reached over 95,373 potential new donors which they are now actively stewarding to grow them into monthly and major gift donors.