
We’re at the forefront of a profound shift happening throughout the business world. While profits once dominated as the sole aim, there’s a new paradigm emerging, one driven by social change and creating a deep sense of purpose so we can create a world future generations are proud of.   ...
There’s a big difference between these statements. The distinction matters most when it comes to organizational direction, employee engagement, stakeholder relations, and long-term sustainability.  Let’s explore the difference.    Purpose with a Company This is when the mission predates the company itself. The founder(s), driven by a passion or a...
As we turn the corner on Black History Month, we at karmadharma have reflected on our role as strategists and creatives. As a strategic and creative agency, we love the way brands and advertising can move people. In many ways, advertising can have the power to move culture. Advertising can...
There is a myriad of metrics you can measure. With all the pressure to be “data-driven” and measuring all that you can, buzzword metrics can be tempting. However, just as ignorance can be costly, data without a plan can be equally dangerous.
Donor Data is the key to Cultivation, Retention and Stewardship. The amount of data that is generated by every one of us is extraordinary. In 2020, each of us are expected to generate 1.7 megabytes of data every second. Data is not just the new normal, it is the path...
You have undoubtedly heard a great deal about the increasing need for data analytics across the charitable sector. What we don’t hear as much is the need for a data-driven culture.