Data Analytics

Data Analytics
There is a myriad of metrics you can measure. With all the pressure to be “data-driven” and measuring all that you can, buzzword metrics can be tempting. However, just as ignorance can be costly, data without a plan can be equally dangerous.
Data Analytics
You have undoubtedly heard a great deal about the increasing need for data analytics across the charitable sector. What we don’t hear as much is the need for a data-driven culture.
Donor Relations
The importance of donor retention is not new. Every site, conference and article in the non-profit sector touts the importance of nurturing the donors that you have. So do we. So what now? Let’s go a little deeper – and really understand why it matters and more importantly, what you...
Donor Relations
If you don’t already know about the Sustainable Development Goals, it’s time to pay attention — Because your donors, volunteers and grantors are taking notice.
Data Analytics
You have undoubtedly heard a great deal about the increasing need for data analytics across the charitable sector. What we don’t hear as much is the need for a data-driven culture.